View Full Version : Danielle la Porte - The Desire Map Full course

06-04-2014, 04:07 PM
Danielle la Porte - The Desire Map Full course
COST: $22
Author: Danielle la Porte
Size: 920 MB

The Desire Map
how do you want to feel today?
You want it and you want it bad. Aspiring. Hoping. Plotting. Recurring. Reaching. Bubbling beneath your surface. You crave it - and it craves you.
So you make a plan to get it. A to-do list. The bucket list. Quarterly objectives. Strategy. Accountability. The goal. Except . . .
You're not chasing the goal itself, you're actually chasing a feeling.
We have the procedures of achievement upside down. We go after the stuff we want to have, get, accomplish, and experience outside of ourselves. And we hope, yearn, pray that we'll be fulfilled when we get there. It's backwards. It's outside in. And it's running us in circles.
What if, first, we got clear on how we actually wanted to feel in our life, and then we laid out our intentions? What if your most desired feelings consciously informed how you plan your day, your year, your career, your holidays - your life?
You know what will happen with that kind of inner clarity and outer action? You'll feel the way you want to feel more often than not. Decisions will be easier to make: You'll know what to say no, thank you to and what to say hell yes! to. I bet you'll complain less. You'll be more optimistic, more open-hearted. It will be easier for you to return to your center in the midst of a challenge - I promise.
You will do much less proving, and way more living.
And you will have more to give to the world.
For starters.
Welcome to The Desire Map.
