View Full Version : free download Drupal Multimedia

06-27-2010, 02:58 PM

Drupal Multimedia - Create media-rich Drupal sites by learning to embed and manipulate images, video, and audio

Written for Drupal 6, this book is a comprehensive overview of integrating multimedia into your Drupal-powered web site. With hands-on examples and tutorials, the book is written for site developers, themers, and administrators. The book makes no assumptions about your skill level, although one should probably already have an understanding of Drupal and how to set up and configure a basic site. The book will guide you through its topics, gently moving the reader from basic concepts such as module set-up, to intermediate techniques such as creating views, to advanced methods such as writing jQuery and custom modules.

Drupal Multimedia is roughly split into three sections, for Images, Video, and Audio. Each section recommends the modules to use for specific tasks, and offers best practices for developing your site.


* Image or Image Field?
* Inline images, galleries, teaser thumbnails
* Scaling & cropping on the fly
* Styling Views, drop-shadows, and more


* Local or external video?
* Media Mover and Asset management
* Embedded Media Field
* File Field, jQuery Media, and more


* What player to use?
* Embedding audio clips
* Playlist creation
* Creating embed code & more


* Embed Widgets
* Dynamic Image Headers
* jCarousel Slide Shows
* The Future of Drupal Multimedia
* and More!
