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View Full Version : free download Sniper Ghost Warrior DVDRIP-Unleashed

07-05-2010, 01:27 AM

Sniper Ghost Warrior DVDRIP-Unleashed
Unleased released DVDRip for this game, quite unusual dirname for games. But they did good job and reduced size 5 times (from 4gb to 800mb). They (Unleased) said in their NFO, only intro and outro are ripped and the rest is untouched.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior is a single player first-person tactical shooter
that features game mechanics based primarily on realistic covert
actions of a military sniper. Combat is mission-based and centers on
extended stealth gameplay that challenges players with a variety of
strategic and tactical choices that affect how they approach their
objectives and eliminate their targets. Sniper gameplay is designed to
be realistic, with the player required to cooperate with their AI
spotter for pinpointing of targets, maintain heart beat and breathing
controlùespecially after runningùfor maximum accuracy and performance
and develop expertise with four types of sniping rifles: AS50, MSG90,
SR25 and SVD Dragunov. Players in sniping situations also must deal
with conditions such as wind, fog and rain that will test even the
most skilled of shooters. Additional features include multiplayer
support, a slow-motion Bullet Cam Mode for viewing kills, an arsenal
of explosive weaponry like Claymore mines and C4 explosives to defend
your perimeter when and/if your position is discovered or to demolish
enemy outposts, melee weapons like throwing knives for close, quiet
kills and the additional ability to play as a hard-charging assault
team member in up-close and personal firefights.

Ripped = Intro and Outro (140 mb), Intro can be found on
YouTube - Sniper Ghost Warrior Intro
rest of the game is untoched

Install Notes:
1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Burn the bin/cue with Nero Burning ROM or equivalent,
alternative option is mounting the image with Daemon-Tools.
3. Install ( wait 1 h or more)
4. Play


