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12-02-2010, 05:08 AM
What's New in Version 4.3
Today (18th August) sees the launch of our latest update to WHMCS and so here we'll take a look in depth at what we think are some of the key highlights in this new version.
New Features Highlights
Other New Features
Further Reading
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How to Get Started

New Feature Highlights

Simple Ajax Order Form
Welcome to the new ordering option. Fully open-source & customisable, this is a streamlined order process utilising all of Ajax's capabilities to create a single page, one-step order process. But don't panic, the existing cart remains exactly as before if you want to continue using that!

Credit Card Details During Checkout
In an effort to further streamline the checkout process, if you use a merchant gateway, credit card details will now be requested from the client as part of the order checkout rather than taking them to payment after checkout.

Twitter Feed
These days, nearly every company has a twitter account and so in WHMCS V4.3 we've made the process of displaying tweets to users and promoting your twitter account even easier. Integrated into the client area, WHMCS will now display your latest tweets directly along with follow links.

Admin Order Quantities & Price Overides
We heard the feedback that you wanted to have more flexibility with orders from the admin area and so in V4.3, we've introduced 2 new options - a quantity field so that you can add more than 1 of an item, and a price overide field to allow you to specify a custom price for the product without setting up a promo.

Customisable Admin Email Templates
This has been a much requested feature in recent times and so in 4.3, many of you will welcome that the majority of admin email templates can now be customised to add, remove or change any of the text, links or subject.

Time Limited Recurring Promotions
Recurring promotions now have a new Recurs For setting which allows you to specify for a recurring promo to only apply for a set number of cycles. So for example this opens up options like offering 50% off for the first 3 months and other such discounts.

Locked Client Profile Fields
There are situations where you might not want a client being able to alter certain profile fields, for example not allowing them to change their email address, or their address, and so in 4.3 we've introduced the ability to disable editing of certain fields. This example shows the email field locked.

Suspension Reasons
When manually suspending a product, you will now have the option to specify a reason for that suspension making it easier to keep track of exactly why a user is suspended on the occassions when a suspension is not being done for simply being overdue.

Admin Order Review Enhancements
The order details page now displays the full name & address for the client to simply manual checks on orders by saving clicking through to the clients profile. In addition, the ability to re-run an order through the MaxMind Fraud Check service has been added so you can refresh the risk score if you make changes.

More Feature Highlights
Per Billing Cycle Invoice Settings - Now you can specify for different billing cycles to generate at different times, for example your monthly items could generate 14 days in advance while annual items could generate 30 days in advance
Product Addons - Weighting ability to customise display order of addons, added the ability to easily transfer an addon from one of the clients products to another, and improved adding process to make pricing retrieval more intuitive
Client Area Search & Sorting - the My Products/Services & My Domains lists in the client area have had the ability to sort by any column and users to search for a specific domain they own added
Live Ticket Status Updates - WHMCS will now monitor in the background and notify you if any other admins have started replying to a ticket if you start replying, and also on submission if the status has changed since you opened it to indicate another admin has already dealt with it
Expanded Downloads Features - Added the ability for downloads to be associated to addons so that addons can provide access to additional downloads automatically when purchased like with products
Client Default Payment Method - the admin profile page now allows an admin user to change the payment method of all a clients products, services & open invoices in one quick action
Config Options Monthly Breakdown - updated the order process product configuration step to also apply monthly breakdown pricing to configurable options if enabled
Multiple Free Subdomain Choices - ability to specific more than 1 subdomain a client can choose from as an alternative to domain registration at Products Signup
Affiliate Withdrawal Enhancements - can now automatically create a transaction out or credit entry for the client direct from the admin affiliate withdrawal screen
cPanel Reseller Upgrades - Added support for automated reseller disk/bandwidth package upgrades
Release Domain Support - added support for registrar modules to contain a release function to automate transfer out of domains so Nominet module supports IPSTAG changes from within WHMCS - can be admin only or clients can also be given access to perform it
Upgrade Order Process - added automatic redirect to gateway ability like main cart system
Client Summary Generate Invoices - popup prompt added to ask if you want invoices emailing or generating only so you can edit first
Batch PDF Exporter - added additional filter option of Payment Method and Sorting ability
Invoice Payment Methods - updated to only show the payment methods enabled for the product group(s) the items on the invoice belong to
Wildcard IP Bans - added support for banning entire IP ranges, for example 91.123.*
Improved Email Piping Charset Handling - improvements to converting of emails being received in different charsets to local charset
Mobile Edition Updates - Added search facility for clients, products, invocies & tickets. Also added invoice browsing, viewing and editing as well as invoice creation

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