View Full Version : Forever Traffic Formula Has The Potential To Be LIFE CHANGING For Many Of You – So, Dismiss and Ignore This At Your Own Risk

04-13-2011, 12:34 AM

"Forever Traffic Formula Has The Potential To Be LIFE CHANGING For Many Of You – So, Dismiss and Ignore This At Your Own Risk!"

Fellow Business Owners,

Whether you are completely brand new, or you are a seasoned marketing veteran, one thing is for sure...If you don't get visitors to your website to look at your offers, you will be BROKE. Not just broke when it comes to money, but broke mentally as well due to all the effort that you put into making money online...and then not making any.

DANGER: Failing to get massive amounts of traffic to your websites can be hazardous to not only your business, but to your financial well being.

REALITY: If you can master the art of getting traffic, you could literally make more money than you ever thought possible, and be more successful than you ever dreamed of.

Don and I have spent over 2 years online with a business that has been so successful that it has literally allowed us to have our wives quit their jobs, go on vacation several times a year, and live a life that many dream of, but few get to live...

I can honestly say that we owe our success to ONE THING...ONE GREAT BIG GIANT THING...

Sure, we've met a ton of cool people, gotten help from people, and even gotten lucky a few times, but at the end of the day without TRAFFIC it's likely that we wouldn't have made enough money to put a down payment on a layaway at Christmas time. (But because of traffic we don't use layaway.)

I'm sure you already know this, but in case you don't...let me fill you in on a little something, OK? Traffic is a game changer! Those who get tons of traffic, make a ton of money...those that don't, are usually BROKE!!

* You can have the best ideas in the world
* You can have the best product the Internet has ever seen
* You can be the biggest guru in the world
* You can be the foremost expert in any given niche

….But, if you don't have traffic – YOU WON'T MAKE SQUAT!

OK...OK...So, maybe I got a little carried away with what I wrote above...maybe it was a little overkill? Maybe...But, it's important that you understand just how important traffic is to not only your business, but to your financial security....


I know...I know...that is probably one of the biggest cliches EVER when it comes to Internet Marketing and sales pages...the old "I'm just like you" line...right? But in this case, it's VERY TRUE!

Do you think I just woke up one morning and had floods of traffic crashing our servers, or that the visitors just magically started showing up? Just in case YOU DID THINK THAT...It's time to come on back to reality.

The business that Don and I started we started...FROM NOTHING. We had to go out there and find ways to get traffic, make plans, come up with strategies, and test & track until we were blue in the face...and that is exactly what we did!

If I told you how much money we spend on a monthly basis testing different traffic strategies, you would more than likely do one of two things...

1. Call us dirty, rotten, low-down LIARS
2. Fall right out of your chair

Without getting into specifics...WE SPEND A TON OF TIME, AND MONEY coming up with, and fine tuning traffic strategies. We know just how important TRAFFIC is..and we know without it, we don't have a business...without it, YOU don't have a business without it.


Forever Traffic Formula is a step-by-step strategy that Don and I use in our business day in and day out to get traffic. We use it to get traffic to CPA offers, ClickBank products, lead generation, and even sending visitors to Adsense sites...It's a ONE SIZE FITS ALL SOLUTION.

Having a system like this is CRUTIAL for us because in many cases, we outsource traffic generation to either someone on a freelance site or to one of the employees that we have. So, having something that is step-by step and repeatable is essential for us to be able to do that effectively.

This is BY FAR the MOST EFFECTIVE traffic strategy that we have in our arsenal...so effective in fact that we have NEVER talked about, taught it to anyone, or even discussed it with any of our friends and fellow business owners online.


Forever Traffic Formula is not a gimmick, a trick, or one of those loop-holes that you are always hearing about THAT DOESN'T WORK. It is a long term, sustainable, and scalable traffic formula, that once mastered, will literally add some serious profit to your bottom line, and likely turn you into the rock star of your niche.

Listen, I know that there are a ton of people out there selling short cuts and supposed tricks that will get you hoards of traffic and first page rankings in a matter of minutes, but if you are honest with yourself, and really think about it...how many of them work?

Not many...

Forever Traffic Formula DOES WORK, and will work as long as you put the initial effort into it, and take it seriously...Making money on the Internet is a serious matter, and Forever Traffic Formula is a serious traffic generation strategy.


Listen, Don and I are VERY GOOD at what we do. Over the years, we've done live training for people and they have seen us make thousands of dollars right in front of their faces using traffic strategies that at the time NOBODY ELSE WAS USING. We set trends, and that is proven fact. We have successfully exploited just about every single platform that we've ever come up against.

The amount of time and money that we spend on testing new things and tracking results is easily enough to pay most peoples monthly expenses with ease...But, because we are so good at what we do, it's money well spent, because at the end of the day, we get more than enough traffic to not only cover our expenses but for us to both support our families comfortably, and to live in a way that is free from any sort of financial difficulties.

All that might sound like I'm bragging, but I'm not...I'm simply trying to be as honest and direct as I can so you understand exactly what Don and I bring to the table. We've built our business from FREE TRAFFIC, and if you follow our formula, you can do the same thing with a little bit of dedication, and hard work.

….So, here's how this is going to work...

Because Forever Traffic Formula is VERY SPECIFIC and has some variables to it, we figure that the easiest way to show you the who, what, how, when, and why is to actually SHOW YOU an example of our work, and to explain every step of the formula to you from beginning to end.

When you click the button below, you are going to download an introduction to the formula that goes over a couple of the “finer” points in a little bit of detail, and gives you some HOME WORK to do so that you can be fully prepared...The introduction will also include a url for a workshop webinar that we will be doing on October 25, 2010 @ 8pm so that we can show you one of our live examples and explain all of the ins and outs...and then ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS.
