View Full Version : Sitex Graphics AIR 12.10

08-24-2013, 04:11 PM

Sitex Graphics AIR v12.10
English | Sitex Graphics AIR v12.10 | 20.8MB

AIR is an advanced 3D graphics renderer with a unique architecture and extensive features designed for the rapid production of high-quality images. AIR is a hybrid renderer, combining the advantages of scanline rendering - fast rendering of complex scenes, motion blur, and depth of field - with the flexibility of on-demand ray tracing for accurate reflections, soft shadows, global illumination, and caustics.

Sitex Graphics AIR 12.10

AIR supports a broad range of geometric primitives, including polygon meshes, trimmed NURBs, subdivision meshes, curves, particles, and implicit surfaces. All primitives are supported in their natural form; no pre-meshing is required. AIR also provides true (sub-pixel) displacement and high-dynamic range (HDR) input and output.

AIR offers the flexibility of fully programmable shading and procedural modeling. Users can extend the shading language by writing new functions in any programming language. User-written programs can also be used to generate models on-demand.

AIR employs tiled rendering with user-controllable tile order for efficient rendering of complex scenes. AIR is fully multithreaded on Windows and Linux. AIR also ships with Vortex, a distributed rendering manager that enables multiple machines to work on a single image.

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