View Full Version : OpalCalc 1.81 + Portable

08-08-2016, 03:32 AM
OpalCalc 1.81 + Portable | 1.6 Mb
OpalCalc is a brand new type of calculator for the PC. As easy to use as Notepad or a word processor, OpalCalc allows you to insert natural language as part of the sum, along with multi-line support so you can go back and adjust your previous calculations. Want a tiny footprint on the screen for a single sum? Resize accordingly. Want it to fill the screen for heavy-duty work? OpalCalc can adapt.

Features include:
- Lightweight footprint (only 600k)
- Multiline support (notepad style)
- Configurable GUI with colour schemes
- Built-in 'Quickstart' tutorial
- Full colour coding
- Multiple undo/redo, zoom in/out, etc.
- Numerous built-in variables and functions (create your own too!)
- Percentage support
- Hundreds of measures, like kilograms and feet (create your own too)
- Extensive date and time support
- Currency support with conversion (data courtesy of themoneyconverter.com)
- Portable (260k from a pen drive!)
- Load/save/print support
- Programmer syntax and functions
- Custom number base support
- Advanced notation support
-Comma decimal point support for Europe, Russia, and South America etc.
Whats New:
It's been a year since Opalcalc was last updated. An entire laundry list of features and minor bugs has built up during that time, and most have made this tasty 1.80 release. Perhaps the biggest feature is the ability to send OpalCalc to the tray and back again with a simple global hotkey. After, live web currencies now update again.
Ever since OpalCalc was first released, I don't recall a single time someone said "You've made such-and-such worse", let alone "Can I have an older version?". It only gets better and better. Thanks again to our supporters who have upgrade
Live currencies are supported again after being broken for months!
OpalCalc now allows you to use a global keyboard shortcut to send it to the tray and back again! (default is Ctrl+Comma)
Fixed potential line misalignment issues
Many sums (such as taking the square root of a negative number) now equal "NaN" ('not a number') instead of "" as previously.
Removed other annoying 'ding' sounds when using PageUp, PageDown, Backspace, Home or End keys.
Boolean logic now outputs as True/False instead of 1 or 0
Added Indian style thousands separator where commas are inserted every two digits instead of three.
Fixed units containing the \ symbol. For example: "btu\hour"
Superscript numbers now act as exponential similar to normal math notation (e.g: 4² = 16 or (8-4)³·²=84.448506). Use the Alt key and a number (or minus key or decimal symbol) to activate the superscript symbols.
Added percentchange(x,y) function to imitate Soulver's "x as a % on y" syntax. For example: percentchange(50,200) = 300%
Custom functions are not automatically saved anymore when you type them into OpalCalc. This saves it from clogging up the text file with loads of scrap temporary functions.
Two new somewhat minimalist colour modes "Comment day" and "Comment night". Both distinguish comments more easily (bright green)
Sortable date/time format now works with @now
Functions with more than one parameter can now work with square brackets.
Reduced border and splitter size slightly for a neater look
Fixed display of output when dividing H:M:S time units by normal time units
Square brackets can be used to create functions rather than just call them.
Quick search now lists custom functions, custom variables, and custom units.
Fixed Fibonacci function
Added iterated logarithm function (use with care, certain numbers may take a LONG time!)
Corrected display of answers involving currency where the dimension of the current was not equal to one.
Functions with reserved Javascript names (e.g: "super") now display a warning if you try to create them.
Double clicking a number now includes the decimal point if there is one.
Reverse polish notation sums previously used spaces to separate numbers and operators. Now they use the thousands separator symbol (usually a comma or dot) to allow for negative numbers more easily.
Closing multiple OpalCalcs at once won't bring up an error message anymore
Sums such as 4!(2) work now
Four new functions based on combination and permutation (both with branching off to allow repetition/duplicates): combinations(e,s), combinationsr(e,s), permutations(e,s), permutationsr(e,s). 'e' represents the number of elements, and 's' represents the number of states within each element.



