View Full Version : Mentor Graphics FloEFD v12.1 build 2334 for NX v6.0.5-8.0 x86 + x64

09-07-2013, 07:42 PM

Mentor Graphics FloEFD v12.1 build 2334 for NX v6.0.5-8.0 x86 + x64

nglish | Mentor Graphics FloEFD v12.1 build 2334 for NX v6.0.5-8.0 x86 + x64 | 710 MB

There is no need to convert the geometry into a different format, often leading to loss of qualiy
The task calculating fluid dynamics and heat transfer at any given time is fully synchronized with the model of NX Minimization efforts,

and as a result of errors in the process of synchronization tasks and set gidrogazodinamicheskoy model NX Automatic detection of changes in the model of NX. No need for "manual" describing the geometry of the building area occupied by the liquid / gas Automatically select the area occupied by the liquid / gas. Uses the same graphical controls as in other modules NX Very easy to learn Easy to use Uses a tree model elements NX.



