View Full Version : Autodesk Maya v2014 SP2 Mac OSX

09-19-2013, 11:05 AM
Autodesk Maya v2014 SP2 Mac OSX


Autodesk Maya v2014 SP2 | MacOSX | 1.32 GB
Languages: English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese

Maya is an award-winning software and powerful, integrated 3D modeling, animation, visual effects, and rendering solution. Because Maya is based on an open architecture, all your work can be scripted or programmed using a well-documented and comprehensive API (application programming interface), or one of two embedded scripting languages, the Maya Embedded Language (MEL) or Python. This level of openness, combined with an industry-leading suite of 3D visual effects, computer graphics, and character animation tools, enables you to realize your creative vision for your film, television, game development, and design projects.
What's New
Version 2014 (Service Pack 2):

Fixed crash undoing the merge of animLayers.
Fixed HIK regression causing spine joints to have unexpected transform values after characterization.
Fixed hang in Graph Editor when massive numbers of keys are selected.
Animation not updated when setting a key with animation layers.
Fixed skinCluster binding issue.
Fixed issue with smooth skin clusters and popping vertices when painting weights.
HIK : Baking auxiliary effector is corrupting referenced file.
Global scale in HumanIK not working on Mac and Linux.

Pre-selection highlighting flickers when camera-based selection is enabled.
Detach edge breaks locked vertex normal.
Fixed mismatch of vertex normal method on shape node.
Selection Constraints do not work with Marquee.
Fixed crash when using Artisan on a mesh with no UVs.
Fixed a crash when changing display mode after lattice work.
Remove the In View Messaging for soft select radius for better performance of Soft Selection Tool.
polyEdgeToCurve crashes when evaluating inputComponents if inputMesh is invalid.
Fixed an undo crash when using the Multi-Cut tool.
Polygon Constraint window "Reset and close" button randomly crashes
Surface Precision set to High causes NURBS in shaded mode to be drawn offset
Quad draw: construction history is always created when using quad draw and a transform constraint
Crash when doing a polySeparate on some meshes

Maya on OS X hangs on exit in TCIPClient::shutdown
CERs on OS X 10.9 cannot get assigned to buckets

Maya crashes when creating Lattice deformer for nParticle that has been converted to Polygon.

Panel tear off causes crash when a plug-in tool is active.
Fixed a problem in the .Net dagexplorer (wpfexample) sample plug-in.
Can't unload plug-ins that are derived from MPxDataType.

File Referencing - Reference Edits
File referencing: post-load callback massively increasing load times (complicated by nodeEditorPanel data).
Fixed a crash with export as reference.
Parent reference edits are not persistent.
mental ray
Fixed a problem where Mayatomr plug-in was causing the scene to prompt to save even when it was unchanged.

Fix for UV Texture Editor with legacy style plug-in shaders.
Fixed crash after selecting Use Selected Lights for lighting on new scene.
Fixed a crash with batch playblasts on Mac OS X if "-showOrnaments" is disabled.
Camera aim and up cannot be selected in Viewport 2.0.
Skinning: Mesh display is incorrect when zooming out of Viewport 2.0 while in the Paint Skin Weights Tool.
Batch render does not render ornaments (HUD) when using the Maya Hardware 2.0 renderer.
"Show ornaments" toggle does not work in Viewport 2.0 playblasts
Apparent interaction between viewport plug-ins and mental ray IBL Hardware Exposure

Scene Assembly
Fixed scene assembly issue where some edits would persist unexpectedly when switching representations.
MPxAssembly node compute method is now invoked when necessary.

UI General
Removed a previous Windows optimization that is no longer needed, which caused a slowdown in the Graph Editor on OS X and Linux.

Intel, 64-bit processor
OS X 10.7 or later
Certified OpenGL graphics card
Three-button mouse





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