View Full Version : Xcode v5 With Command Line (Mac OSX)

09-27-2013, 09:05 PM
Xcode v5 With Command Line (Mac OSX)


Xcode v5 With Command Line (Mac OSX) | 1.67 GB

Xcode provides everything developers need to create great applications for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Xcode has unified user interface design, coding, testing, and debugging all within a single window. The Xcode IDE analyzes the details of your project to identify mistakes in both syntax and logic, it can even help fix your code for you.

Xcode includes the Xcode IDE, LLVM compiler, Instruments, iOS Simulator, the latest OS X and iOS SDKs, and hundreds of powerful features:

Innovative tools to help you create great apps
Interface Builder is fully integrated as a design canvas within the Xcode IDE
The Assistant shows files related to what you're editing, such as the header, superclass, or a UI preview
The Version editor shows a live source code comparison through Git or Subversion history
Live Issues display errors as you type, and Fix-it can correct the mistakes for you

Streamlined interface that is faster and easier to use
Design your interface side by side with the backing source code
Create connections from your GUI design directly to the related source code
Schemes let you customize exactly how your app will build, run, profile, and deploy
Quick Look variables while debugging to visualize colors, bezier paths, and images

Professional editor keeps you focused on your code
Click the Jump Bar at the top of the editor to instantly go to another file
Hit a few keys and Open Quickly will open any file within your project
View message bubbles to see errors, warnings, and other issues right beside the code

Embedded Apple LLVM technology finds and fixes bugs for you
Analyzer travels countless code paths looking for logical errors before they become bugs
Live Issues underlines coding mistakes as you type with no need to build first
Fix-it can confidently correct mistakes for you with just a keystroke

Test driven development made simple
Use the Test Navigator to add, edit, or run tests with just a click
Test Assistant makes it easy to edit your code and related tests, side-by-side

Instruments for visual performance analysis
Compare CPU, disk, memory, and OpenGL performance as graphical tracks over time
Identify performance bottlenecks, then dive deep into the code to uncover the cause
Monitor your app directly, or sample the entire system, with very little overhead

To test or deploy applications on an iOS device you must be a member of Apple's iOS Developer Program. To submit your Mac or iOS apps to the App Store you must be a member of the Mac or iOS Developer Program. Some features may require Internet access.

What's New
Version 5.0:

Includes SDKs for OS X 10.8 and iOS 7
LLVM compiler builds 64-bit apps for iOS 7
Automatic Configuration enables services like iCloud and Game Center with one click
Test Navigator helps you quickly add, edit, and run unit tests
Test Assistants display tests and code side-by-side for test driven development
Auto Layout in IB can generate constraints automatically, or allow free-form design
Preview Assistant demonstrates your UI in portrait or landscape, for iOS 6 or iOS 7
Asset Catalog organizes all your projects images in a single .xcassets archive
Debug Gauges show CPU, memory, iCloud, and OpenGL ES usage at a glance
Source Control top-level menu enables context sensitive branching and merging
Modules build setting speeds compile times, and enables auto-linking system frameworks

Intel, OS X 10.8.4 or later

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