View Full Version : Maxon Cinema 4D R14.034 Studio Retail Mac/Win Installers

02-14-2013, 02:19 PM
Maxon Cinema 4D R14.034 Studio Retail Mac/Win Installers


Maxon Cinema 4D R14.034 Studio Retail Mac/Win Installers | 6.46 GB

Cinema 4D - a 3d design software with strengths simple but powerful graphics for a quick and efficient. Recently, Maxon has introduced the latest version of this software - CINEMA 4D R14 with integrated improvements and new features maximum support for the design.

Easy to Use and Easy to Learn, Stable, Fast and State-of-the-Art Technology
There's a reason why these terms are included for each Release - and this tradition continues with Release 14! These are the qualities upon which customers have always been able to count and they continue to guarantee the satisfaction of MAXON customers and CINEMA 4D users.
What's New :


Organic modeling is made easy with the fully-integrated Sculpting system in CINEMA 4D Studio Release 14 and BodyPaint 3D. Transform any base mesh into virtual clay, shaping it with tools like Pull, Pinch, Smooth, Knife or Scrape. Advanced symmetry tools allow you to mirror a single stroke along multiple axes, and even radially. Finer details can be added using stamps and stencils, and you can apply masks to limit the sculpting to specific regions. You can even organize your sculpt project in a hierarchical layer system and modify mask and strength options for each layer. Directly texture, animate and render your sculpted mesh, or easily bake it to a low-poly mesh with displacement and normal maps.
Improved Modeling Toolset
Model faster and more accurately with new interactive Workplane modes, dynamic guides and a completely redesigned Snap system. Easily align your workplane to any world axis, the camera or the current selection, then snap to the grid or adjust global coordinates based on the workplane orientation. Draw linear or planar guides directly in the Viewport or snap to dynamic guides generated around each component. You can also easily select objects or components by simply painting over them with the right mouse button pressed.
Accelerate your animation workflow with enhancements to cameras, dynamics and character tools in CINEMA 4D R14. Quickly morph between camera positions and create dynamic camera animations with the Motion Camera system. Gain greater realism and control over dynamics in CINEMA 4D Broadcast and Studio with aerodynamic forces, plastic springs and breaking connectors, as well as enhanced XPresso control over dynamics. Give life to your characters with updated rigs and enhanced capabilities of the Character object.


Achieve greater rendering realism and compositing control with CINEMA 4D R14. Simulate wood grain, weathering effects and normal mapping with new shaders. Enjoy faster, more accurate GI calculations with Multiple Importance Sampling and radiosity maps. And you have even more control over your renderings with color grading in the Picture Viewer and as a post effect. Optimize your compositing workflow with the Position Pass.


CINEMA 4D R14 offers amazing enhancements to exchanges with key applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects and Nuke. You can manipulate 3D objects, lights and textures directly in Adobe Photoshop. New options have been added for exchanging your 3D scene with After Effects. A new seamless connection to NUKE has been added that automatically creates your multi-pass composite, through multi-layer OpenEXR support.
Work faster and more efficiently with numerous enhancements to the workflow and interface in CINEMA 4D R14. You'll enjoy the more attractive and responsive 3D view with new object highlighting and outlining, and improved OpenGL shadows. Easily access commands and add tags using the new spotlight-style Commander. New composition helpers have been added to arrange your scene based on grids or golden spirals, and you can easily choose the focal distance with the new camera focus picker. Arabic speakers will especially enjoy the CINEMA 4D interface in their native language, including a specially-designed right-to-left layout mode.


How to setup:
MAC USERS step by step instructions as per request from some users:

1. uninstall any demo of r14
2. disconnect internet
3. make sure your logged in as admin.
3b. show hidden files if necessary(required for mountain lion users)
4. open user/library/preferences folder(not system library)...on mountain lion the user library folder is hidden...if you dont know how to show hidden files, google it.
5. put the reg file from the registration file thread that applebrasil has supplied in that preferences folder....if you have r13 installed you will see a 13mca file or 12mca for r12...and you know yer in the right folder;O)
6. run setup app in the .dmg
7. when the personalize window shows up dont enter anything, just press continue for current user(you can personalize after install).
8. after install is finished, stay disconnected from the internet and launch r14...test it out and make sure its running fine etc.
9. highly recommended, before you connect back to the internet, install little snitch or TCPblocker and block outgoing connections for r14.
10. manually install updates for r14....if your not sure how, open r14 and drag the update files into the viewport or try the help menu...DO NOT USE THE ONLINE UPDATER OR ELSE THIS WILL BE BLACKLISTED!


Downlaod the dmg file, download Power Iso, install it, open Power Iso, with it, open the dmg, and extract to the folder of your choice in your PC, install the reg file, than install C4D, only works for x64.






