View Full Version : free download CleanApp 3.3.1 by Synium [ Mac Software ]

06-17-2010, 03:38 PM

Overview :

Enter CleanApp and its »Logging Service«: without slowing down any of the installations it records, CleanApp creates a database, analyzing applications and their behaviour right from the start. At any given moment, you will be able to see whatever files a program uses.
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File Analysis

CleanApp shows you which application a plist file belongs to. So if two installations of the same application exist and if they share a common preferences file, you'll know.
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Excluded List

Clean App can track all files created with an application. If you want to keep CleanApp from doing so, add it to the "Excluded from Logging" list. In this tutorial, the file created while TextPad is on the excluded-list and is being ignored by CleanApp's logging. After removing TextEdit from the list, files created with TextEdit show up in the list again.
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Disk Usage

CleanApp 3.1 comes with a brand new graphical view displaying disk usage for folders or the entire hard drive. Keep track of the free disk space decreasing and find out what stuffs your hard drive day by day. No need to browse through each folder manually, let CleanApp deliver the results on a plate. It has never been easier knowing whats going on on one's hard drive. Speed up
your system by erasing unnecessary files!

You certainly don't want to delete software by mistake which may have laborously been installed and maintained over a long time. Such installations are probably the foundation of your business, or they simply contain a priceless wealth of personal data. Before completely removing such installations from your system, CleanApp can save everything in a well maintained order to a compact and portable archive. If you change your mind later or simply decide to reinstall, CleanApp does exactly that and meticulously restores everything to its previous state.
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Complete Deletion

When deleting an application, CleanApp compiles a list of all related files. Select which files to delete along with the application. The application, preference files, even files created with the application can be included.

