Stata is an integrated package for the solution of statistical problems in the media, Windows, Macintosh or Unix, intended for professionals engaged in scientific researches. The solution can be used both in economics, political science and other social sciences - with the support of a wide range of models of panel data, and in biostatistics, epidemiology and other fields of medicine.
Fast, accurate and easy to use

Interface with the use of a coordinate pointer, an intuitive command syntax, and a certificate - all this makes Stata simple to use, fast and accurate. All operations can be reproduced and documented for publication and review.
A wide range of statistical capabilities.

Stata offers hundreds of advanced statistical tools such as dynamic panel data regression for (DPD), generalized estimation equations (GEE), multilevel mixed models, models of conditional heteroscedasticity ARCH and evaluate the complex survey samples, standard methods such as linear and generalized linear models (GLM), ANOVA / MANOVA, ARIMA, cluster analysis, and basic tables and summary statistics.

Full control over the management of objects
Stata gives you full control over all types of data: you can combine and modify data sets, control variables, and collect statistics on groups or duplicate. You can work with the data type of byte, integer, floating point, double precision and string. Stata also offers additional tools for managing specialized data such as data on the duration and terms of survival, time series, panel data, categorical data and data on the results of surveys.

Graphic Features
Stata makes it easy to generate various styles of graphs for publication, including regression, distribution graphs, time series, graphs of survival. Thanks to the integrated graphics editing, just click the button to change something in your chart: add a header, the selection of lines, arrows or text. You can choose from existing styles or create your own.
Ability to install updates

Stata programming that allows developers and users add new features every day to meet the growing needs of today's researchers. New features and official updates can be installed via the Internet by pressing a button. Many new features and informative articles are published quarterly in the Journal. There is also a great resource «Statalist» - an independent server, where users exchange messages and programs.

Programming Language Mata
Mata - a full-featured matrix programming language. Source code written in that language, is compiled into byte code and is optimized for quick execution. Most of the new opportunities Stata 11 have come out of Mata.

Cross-platform compatibility
Stata is available for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix operating systems (including Linux). Stata any data can be shared easily between different platforms (the version that I offer for download, only works on Windows).
Widely ispolzetsya

Stata is distributed in more than 150 countries and is used by specialists in many fields of research.

New in version 11
Full documentation in PDF. The new module multiple imputatsii (multivariate imputation). Ability to customize interface colors. Easily work with categorical variables in regression models. And another.

Extras. Information: Just copy and paste into any convenient folder, file with the license is included, no additional action is required.
It is also recommended after installation to check for updates, it is done manually through the command update query.

System requirements:
Pentium processor or compatible512 MB RAM
~ 250 MB of disk space
