download SEO SEF for joomla 1.5 from sh404sef version

sh404SEF - SEO and security for Joomla

sh404SEF Dashboard
As Joomla professionals, we are constantly fielding questions from web site owners/administrators such as:
Joomla’s duplicate URLs are killing my search engine rankings!
How come Google Analytics is not built into Joomla?
Why are URLs for 3rd party extensions so ugly?
How can I easily prevent common attacks on my web site?

If you are struggling with these issues, then sh404SEF is just what you need.

As the most popular Joomla extension for URL management with more than 80% of the market share, and an 'Editors Pick' on the Joomla Extensions Directory, sh404SEF is the most reliable and most trusted tool for maximizing the potential of your Joomla site.

SEO Optimization & Analytics all in one
By utilizing the features of sh404SEF listed below, you will have the power to improve your search engine ranking and get more traffic to your site:
view your Google Analytics dashboard in the Joomla administrative backend to keep a close eye on traffic volume and referral sites
remove duplicate URLs
get the shortest, most significant urls for your site and your web rankings
generate 'human ear friendly' URLs
create unlimited short URLs for any page
automatically generate tiny URLs for your content
customize the page title and page description
automatically emphasize all your article titles with "Heading tags"
satisify many of the Google recommendations for search engine optimization with just a few clicks

Widely supported by the top Joomla extensions
sh404SEF is one of the oldest continually-developed extensions for Joomla and has become very popular in the community. It currently supports many of the most popular Joomla extensions including
Community Builder
Mosets Tree
Numerous 3rd party developers have also created plugins for sh404SEF. You can browse these plugins in the sh404SEF-specific category on the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

Security & peace of mind built-in
sh404SEF is an excellent addition to your security protocols and helps protect your site from common exploits including:
cross-site scripting attacks (XSS)
malicious page requests

flooding attacks
robots spamming input forms such as the contact page (using Project Honey Pot)
site access from suspicious domains (using IP address white listing and black listing)
identification of site software using the 'meta generator' tag

All about standards
The best web sites take web standards very seriously and so do we. Using sh404SEF you will improve your site navigation, HTML best-practices and mobile-awarenes of your web site. Feature highlights include:
customize error pages with relevant links and other info
automatically indicate the links on your site that lead to external sites with a small icon
automatically convert table-based ouput of core Joomla extensions to the preferred tableless HTML
automaticaly detect visitors on mobile devices and switch templates

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admin notes:
join VIP member and get backup link (request) if link is broken