[LOCAL CLIENT HOOK!] $19 Into $3,000 – E.Z. ‘Door-Opener’ Tactic
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[LOCAL CLIENT HOOK!] $19 Into $3,000 – E.Z. ‘Door-Opener’ Tactic

Value: $19

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Face It:
1. The business/owner you’re targeting doesn’t effen care about the “internet marketing” you sell!
2. They don’t live in the ONLINE WORLD like you do, daily.
3. They don’t UNDERSTAND all your “online-lingo stuff.” (although they’re ego-maniacs and won’t admit it.)

FACT: Every businesses is pestered-to-death by tons of other marketers trying to sell them “online marketing” crap.

But now you can instantly getting your foot-in-the-door.. with this single, solitary, simple TACTIC!

This is brilliant!! I had never heard of this. This is a gold mine for anybody doing offline consulting. My head is spinning with ideas. The report is short and to the point with great screen shots showing you exactly what to do. Max even gives the email script to send to the business owner along with tips on getting past any potential gatekeepers.

The best part is this service is FREE to use. WOW, you have out done yourself once again!!