World’s Only SCRAPEBOX SCHEDULER. Automate Scrapebox At Last!

World’s Only SCRAPEBOX SCHEDULER. Automate Scrapebox At Last!

What is it?
A program that loads and completes an unlimited number of blog commenting jobs in “fast post” mode. For example, if you have 5 keywords to promote and a blog list of 10,000 total, load up the 5 jobs into the Scrapebox Scheduler and it will post job 1, job 2, job 3, job 4, and job 5 sequentially. It loads the Names, Comments, Email, Blogs, and Websites of each job and posts to all 50,000 blogs automatically!

Why do you need it?
As fantastic a program as Scrapebox is, it requires a lot of attention. You have to check in frequently to see if a job is done, load the next one, check again, load the next job, etc. Now you can load a day’s worth of posting jobs and be done with it.

How does it work?
Each keyword (project) you promote will have its own folder: “dog training,” “cheap camcorder,” etc. In each folder will be 5 .txt files: names, emails, blogs, comments, and websites. Instruct Scrapebox Scheduler which projects you want posted and in what order. The Scheduler will post them all in order for you…and even send you email confirmations as each job completes.