Complete control and 100% ownership.
SocialEngine gives you a simple, unbranded network that you can customize in any way. You’ll have the freedom to maintain fine-grained control over all aspects of your site and content.
No “powered-by” branding.

SocialEngine helps you build a community that's unique to you, with absolutely no "powered by" links or "SocialEngine" branding presented to your members.
Keep your content

Your community's content is yours to own. Unlike most hosted services, SocialEngine never prevents you from moving your community or serving your own advertisements.
Fully unencrypted source code

You'll have the complete PHP source code to play with, making it possible to add or integrate your custom features.
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SocialEngine is hosted on your own server where you have complete control over your community. Need technical help? We can install in for you.
Flexibility to implement your community concepts.
SocialEngine makes diverse styles of social networking possible. You decide how your community members will connect, share, and interact with each other on your site. See all Core Features »
Multiple social frameworks to choose from

Choose from two-way friendships (e.g. Facebook), one-way followers (e.g. Twitter), verified/unverified friendships, and more. Add sub-networks to group your members by university, workplace, location, age, gender, or anything else.
Drag-and-drop Content Management

Use SocialEngine's built-in, visual drag-and-drop CMS to arrange content, customize widgets, create whole new pages, and place advertisements. Import new widgets or develop your own with our guides.
Membership levels and moderators

Create multiple levels of membership in your community to give some members access to special content or extra privileges. You can also assign moderators to help you maintain your community and remove unwanted content for you.