Advertisement Management

Place ads based on keywords discovered in post content (Title or Body).
Place ads based on keywords discovered in referring URL.
Place ads on specific posts.
Place ads targeting certain categories
Place ads directly to all incoming Google traffic
Cache ads placed via Google Traffic.
Use %token% variables in ad templates to help build dynamic content
Tokens can be used with 3rd party shortcode tokens such as phpBay, phpZon, wpProsperent, wpMage, and wpRobot.
Redirection Management

Redirect traffic based on keywords matched in referring URL.
Non-human visitors can be excluded from all redirects.
Redirect profiles can be setup globally, affecting all posts, or can be set up specifically, just on certain posts, or solely on the homepage.

Can declare 301, 302, 303, 307 redirection types

Referrer can be blanked on all redirects.

Track redirections.

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