freelancerkit 211 nulled working

freelancerKit Features
Mail Sender
Email Notifications

- Backup Database
- Change Currency
- Hide Prices from Admins and/or Employees
- Change Theme Direction (Sidebar Version)
- Max File Upload Size
- Load your own Language file
- Change all your Notification Settings
- Allow User Registration
- System-wide Message
- Tons of options...

- Recent Projects, Messages
- News (Created by MA)
- Software Updates

Light Newsletter System
AJAX Search
- Projects, Notes, Users
- Can also search Custom User Fields

Easy to Change Logo
Themes totally customizable with CSS
Create your own themes, Copy a folder!
iPhone friendly Theme
Smarty Templating Engine
INI configuration files

- Uses a language file, easy to translate into your language.

Reports (Coming in 2.31)
- Track User Downloads
- Track Employee Earnings

User Roles (4)
- Master Admin (MA)
- Admin
- Employee
- Client
- Optional Custom User Fields

- File Upload
- File Tagging (Images)
- Message Posting
- Track Project Progress
- Note Sharing

Note Manager
- Public/Private/Project Assigned
- WYSIWYG Editor

Project Creation
- Create/Sort Categories
- Optional Staff Only (Client can't view)
- Additional Users
- Admins/Employees Update Progress
- 5 Status Modes
- Clients can submit Project Requests
- Set Priority

- Export to PDF
- Emails HTML friendly invoice
- Optional PayPal button with HTML enabled email
- Mark Paid/Unpaid

Ticket System
- Threaded

Todo Lists
- Personal
- Admin can assign tasks
